
Ann-Marie MacDonald and Tim Winton Announced

Wordfest and The Banff Centre look forward to welcoming the Governor General’s Literary Award-winning playwright and acclaimed novelist Ann-Marie MacDonald as the 2014 Banff Distinguished Author. MacDonald returns to Wordfest after previously attending the Festival in 2003.

At her Banff Centre appearance during Wordfest on Saturday, October 18, 2014,Ann-Marie MacDonald will give Alberta audiences a glimpse into the “story behind the storyteller” from her new novel, Adult Onset, about a YA author struggling with current frustrations, painful memories and the threat of domestic violence.

The Festival also welcomes Australian author Tim Winton to Wordfest 2014 where he presents his new novel, Eyrie. Winton has written 25 books for adults and children and has won the Miles Franklin Award four times. He joins an impressive lineup of powerhouse writers in Calgary on Saturday as part of a new, all-day series of readings and one-on-one conversations on stage.
The full Wordfest program will be announced at our launch on September 3 at Theatre Junction GRAND, Calgary’s contemporary culturehouse and the Festival’s new, vibrant “hub” during Wordfest 2014.

We look forward to seeing you at Wordfest 2014! For more information on Early Bird Passes, click here.

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