
Books and Afternoon Tea

Books and Afternoon Tea

Sunday, October 19, 2014 • 2-3:45pm
Theatre Junction Grand – Flanagan Theatre
Tickets: $25
$22 seniors, students and friends of CJSW

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Featuring: David Bergen, Anne Kennedy, Eimear McBride, Kate Pullinger, Matthew Thomas and Kathleen Winter

After a bustling Festival week, unwind with a selection of new books as hot as the beverages on offer at this afternoon gathering of Festival authors who discuss and read from their latest work. Hosted by Anne Logan.

David Bergen’s Leaving Tomorrow is the story of a young Arthur who leaves his small hometown in Alberta for Paris and confronts the push and pull of both home and love.

Anne Kennedy’s The Last Days of the National Costume is a finalist in the fiction category of the New Zealand Post Book Awards.

Eimear McBride’s A Girl is a Half-formed Thing tells, with astonishing insight and in brutal detail, the story of a young woman's relationship with her brother, and the long shadow cast by his childhood brain tumour.

Kate Pullinger’s Landing Gear draws on real-life accounts of airplane stowaways as the basis for this highly imaginative and exhilarating story.

Matthew Thomas’ We Are Not Ourselves follows an Irish-American family where the mood swings between heartbreak and hilarity, depending on whether guests are over and how much alcohol has been consumed.

Kathleen Winter’s The Freedom in American Songs is a new story collection about modern loneliness, small-town gay teens, catastrophic love, and the holiness of ordinary life.

Call Wordfest to purchase passes: 403 237 9068

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Photo Credit cr. Ben Matthews

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[…] a disclaimer. The author’s books that I have and will continue to review that were part of my Afternoon Tea event at Wordfest last week will all be receiving positive reviews. I’m not being biased, I just […]

[…] as my hosting gig draws closer, I  have quickly realized that I should be getting these reviews up quicker than I […]

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