
Darkness Visible

Darkness Visible

Friday, October 17, 2014 • 7-8:15pm
Theatre Junction GRAND – Flanagan Theatre
Tickets: $15
$13 seniors, students and friends of CJSW

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Featuring: Alison Pick, Miriam Toews and Padma Viswanathan

Three Canadian authors render visible the shadows of emotional turmoil as they discuss the writing process and read from their beautifully rendered books that feature narratives of love, loss, sisters, identity and faith. Hosted by Judith Slimmon.

All My Puny Sorrows by Miriam Toews gives us a startling demonstration of how to carry on with hope and love and the business of living even when grief loads the heart.

Between Gods is the memoir of Alison Pick, who slowly but doggedly began to research and uncover her Jewish heritage while struggling with a crippling depression.

The Ever After of Ashwin Rao by Padma Viswanathan is a stunning new work set in post-9/11 Canada, about the unexpected reverberations of the 1985 Air India bombing tragedy in the lives of its survivors.

Call Wordfest to purchase passes: 403 237 9068

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