
Decomposure with Caitlin Doughty

Decomposure with Caitlin Doughty

Thursday, October 16, 2014 • 8-9:30pm
Glenbow – ConocoPhillips Theatre
Tickets: $25
$22 seniors, students and friends of CJSW

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SMOKEGETSINYOUREYESDeath is sanitized and hidden in contemporary culture to the point of becoming a taboo subject. In the spirit of the 18th-century salon, author Caitlin Doughty opens up the conversation about death and its anthropological, historical, and artistic contributions to culture. Hosted by Sarah Kerr, local educator and facilitator.

Caitlin Doughty is a Los Angeles-based mortician, death theorist, and the author of Smoke Gets in Your Eyes: And Other Lessons from the Crematory. Thrown into a profession of gallows humor and vivid characters (both living and very dead), Doughty learned to navigate the secretive culture of those who care for the deceased. Doughty’s webseries “Ask a Mortician” has led to features on National Public Radio, BBC, the Huffington Post, Vice, the LA Times,, Forbes, Bust Magazine and Salon.

Doughty is also founder of The Order of the Good Death, a group of funeral industry professionals, academics, and artists exploring ways to prepare a death phobic culture for their inevitable mortality.

Please call Wordfest (M-F, 9am to 5pm) to purchase passes: 403 237 9068

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[…] Decomposure with Caitlin Doughty Thursday, October 16 • 8-9:30pm Glenbow Museum – ConocoPhillips Theatre Tickets: $25 | $22 seniors, students and friends of CJSW […]

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