Alicia Elliott

Alicia Elliott

Alicia Elliott is a Tuscarora writer from Six Nations of the Grand River. Her writing has been published by The Toast, RoomGrainThe New Quarterly, The Globe and MailViceMaclean’sMaisonneuveCBC Books, and many others. She’s had essays nominated for National Magazine Awards for three consecutive years, winning Gold in 2017. Her fiction has appeared in Best American Short Stories 2018, Best Canadian Stories 2018, and Journey Prize Stories 30. Elliott was the 2017-18 Geoffrey and Margaret Andrew Fellow at UBC, and was chosen by Tanya Talaga to receive the RBC Taylor Emerging Writer Prize in 2018. She lives in Brantford, Ontario with her husband and child.

Twitter: @wordsandguitar

Alicia is the voice of our youth, the next generation. She is lyrical, heart-felt and she tells searing truths of Canada today, truths we all need to listen to.” — Tanya Talaga


A Mind Spread Out on the Ground

<em>A Mind Spread Out on the Ground</em> is a personal and critical meditation on trauma, legacy, oppression, and racism in North America. It’s an urgent and visceral work that asks essential questions about the treatment of Native people in North America while drawing on intimate details of her own life and experience with intergenerational trauma, Alicia Elliott offers indispensable insight and understanding to the ongoing legacy of colonialism. What are the links between depression, colonialism, and loss of language – both figurative and literal? How does white privilege operate in different contexts? How do we navigate the painful contours of mental illness in loved ones without turning them into their sickness? How does colonialism operate on the level of literary criticism?

<em>A Mind Spread Out on the Ground</em> is Elliott’s attempt to answer these questions and more. In the process, she engages with such wide-ranging topics as race, parenthood, love, mental illness, poverty, sexual assault, gentrification, writing, and representation. With deep consideration and searing prose, Elliott extends far beyond her own experiences to provide a candid look at our past, an illuminating portrait of our present and a powerful tool for a better future.
<h3>DIVE DEEPER:</h3>
<li>“On Literary Festivals and Crossed Boundaries” — <a href=""><em></em></a></li>
<li>“‘I Wanted to Be Beautiful—Or, at Least, Clean’: What It’s Like To Grow Up Without Running Water” — <a href=""><em>Chatelaine</em></a></li>
<li>“Plan to ban single-use plastics has First Nations with long-term drinking water advisories worried” — <a href=""><em></em></a></li>
<li>“How I Made It” — <a href=""><em>Flare</em></a></li>
<li>“Whose Story is it? In Conversation with Alicia Elliott” — <a href=""><em>Room</em></a></li>
<li>“Alicia Elliott reflects on media bias in MMIWG report” — <a href=""><em>Broadview</em></a></li>
<li>“Haudenosaunee author Alicia Elliott explores how our actions ripple for generations into the future” — <a href=""><em>The Star</em></a></li>
<li>“Alicia Elliott on the spectacular Indigenous renaissance in Canadian arts” — <a href=""><em>Macleans</em></a></li>

ALL EVENTS WITH Alicia Elliott

7 PM
Indigenous Voices Showcase
Oct 16 @ 7 PM MT - 8:30 PM MT

Patricia A. Whelan Performance Hall, Central Library

800 3 Street SE
5 PM
Honest Talk about Mental Health
Oct 17 @ 5 PM MT - 6:15 PM MT

Memorial Park Library, 2nd Floor

1221 2 St SW