Roaming starring Jillian & Mariko Tamaki
Hosted by Genki FergusonThe New York Times nailed the timeless appeal of Jillian and Mariko Tamaki’s Roaming in two sentences: “Cousins and co-authors write a love letter to New York. Roaming is an ode to the city that captivated them and the thrills of young adulthood.” As with all of their award-winning collaborations, beginning with 2008’s Skim and then 2014’s This One Summer, there is so much bubbling above and below the beautifully crafted surfaces of this graphic novel. Writes novelist Alexander Chee, “(It’s a) masterful telling of a story we almost never get about young Asian American people experimenting with love, selfhood, sex, affection, artistic ambition, personal ambition, all while looking for the friends who can see you through.” So much to remember. So much to talk about. So much to savour.
This event is part of Wordfest’s Imaginairium festival, Oct. 11-15, 2023. Connect with 50+ the world’s most arresting writers, thinkers, activators and inspirers, gathered just for you in Calgary, Canada. For more info: wordfest.com