Eleanor Wachtel
Eleanor Wachtel has worked as a Literary Commentator on CBC Radio’s State of the Arts, a writer-broadcaster for The Arts Tonight, a Toronto reporter for The Arts Report, host of The Arts Tonight from 1996 to 2007 and host of CBC Radio’s Writers & Company since its inception in 1990. Her greatest interviews are now collected in The Best of Writers & Company, presented at Wordfest 2016. Wachtel was born and raised in Montreal where she studied English literature at McGill University.
The Best of Writers & Company
The Best of Writers & Company is the latest and by far the richest collection of interviews by Eleanor Wachtel from her show, now celebrating its 25th anniversary at the CBC. Authors such as Jonathan Franzen, Alice Munro, Hilary Mantel, J.M. Coetzee, Zadie Smith, W.G. Sebald, Toni Morrison, Seamus Heaney and nearly a dozen others share their views on process, the writing life and the hazards of literary fame.