Jordan Abel
Jordan Abel is a queer Nisga’a writer from Vancouver. He is the author of The Place of Scraps (winner of the Dorothy Livesay Poetry Prize), Un/inhabited, and Injun (winner of The Griffin Poetry Prize). NISHGA was the winner of The Hubert Evans Non-Fiction Prize and The VMI Betsy Warland Between Genres Award, and was a finalist for the Hilary Weston Writers’ Trust Prize for Nonfiction, the Wilfrid Eggleston Award for Nonfiction, and the Roderick Haig-Brown Regional Prize. Abel’s work has been published in numerous journals and magazines – including Canadian Literature, The Capilano Review, and The Fiddlehead – and his work has been anthologized widely, including in The Broadview Introduction to Literature. Abel completed a Ph.D. at Simon Fraser University in 2019, and is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of English and Film Studies at the University of Alberta, where he teaches Indigenous Literatures, Research-Creation, and Creative Writing.
Instagram: @jordoisdead