How to… “Get” MAD

With JD Derbyshire & Guests

Memorial Park Library, Alexander Calhoun Salon, Main Floor
1221 2 St SW

“I was perplexed as to what the usefulness of any of the arts might be, with the possible exception of interior decoration. The most positive notion I could come up with was what I call the canary-in-the-coal-mine theory of the arts. This theory argues that artists are useful to society because they are so sensitive. They are supersensitive. They keel over like canaries in coal mines filled with poison gas, long before more robust types realize that any danger is there. ” –Kurt Vonnegut

Come hang out with some unlikely, almost sane, super sensitive friends as they grapple with staying steady and creative in a wobbly world.

Hosted by comedian and certified insane person JD Derbyshire (Mercy Gene). Derbyshire is especially equipped to deal with these times of interrupted normalcy, heightened anxiety, the never-ending flip-flop between mania and depression. They’ll discuss the mind-numbing prospect of writing with all that’s going on and how to turn being super sensitive into your superpower. If you’re feeling crazy, think you might be heading there, or wonder what it might be like, come hang out in a space where humour and grief can coexist. Some good old-fashioned laugh-cries or cry-laughs practically guaranteed. Special Guest: Col Cseke, co-host with JD on the podcast Madpractice @madpracticepod.


  • 60-minute conversation (think Master Class)
  • Geared for audience participation
  • Come curious and open
  • Onsite Bookseller: Owl’s Nest Books
  • Post-Show signing and author selfies


JD Derbyshire