ARCHIVE – Raziel Reid
Raziel Reid is an emerging author living in Vancouver. His award-winning debut, When Everything Feels Like the Movies, won the Governor General’s Literary Award for Children’s Literature, and was a finalist for CBC’s Canada Reads 2015 competition, defended by Lainey Lui of LaineyGossip.com. Reid’s screenplay adaptation of the novel is being produced by Random Bench. It has also been nominated for LGBT Children’s/Young Adult Literature at the 27th Lambda Literary Awards. Reid’s work was written for a young adult audience and was received by anyone trying to better understand the struggles of youth today.
When Everything Feels Like the Movies
In When Everything Feels like the Movies, school is just like a film set: there’s The Crew, who make things happen, The Extras who fill the empty desks, and The Movie Stars, whom everyone wants tagged in their Facebook photos. But Jude doesn’t fit in. He’s not part of The Crew because he isn’t about to do anything unless it’s court-appointed; he’s not an Extra because nothing about him is anonymous; and he’s not a Movie Star because even though everyone know his name like an A-lister, he isn’t invited to the cool parties. As the director calls action, Jude is the flamer that lights the set on fire.