
Wordfest at Calgary City Teachers Convention

Wordfest Youth Program staff and volunteers will be at the Calgary City Teachers Convention, from Thursday, February 12 to Friday, February 13, to give teachers an overview of our programming initiatives for young readers. If you’re attending the convention, swing by our booth to learn more, or click below for a sneak peek at our interactive presentation.

View the Presentation ou présentation en français.

Each year, Wordfest presents local, national and international authors in schools and at public venues. The Wordfest Youth Program is designed to promote a love of reading and a deeper appreciation of the written word. Parents, educators and young readers who have experienced Wordfest know that meeting an author can have a lasting impact. It makes the writing process, books and authors more accessible and helps bring literature to life for students.

Teachers’ conventions were established through legislation in the province for the purpose of providing teachers with forums whereby they can renew their professional skills on an annual basis. Admission to the convention restricted to certified teachers employed within Alberta’s school system.

Seventeen featured speakers including world-renowned educational researchers David Berliner and Pasi Sahlberg; author of The War on Science Chris Turner; teacher Joe Bower who wrote De-testing and De-grading Schools; and Girls’ Education expert, Alison Springer are speaking in the Hyatt and Glenbow Museum during the convention. For more information about the program, click here.