Erin Bow
Erin Bow — physicist turned poet turned author of young adult novels that will make you cry on the bus. Erin Bow is the author of The Scorpion Rules, which received three starred reviews and was a Kirkus Reviews Best Book of the Year; the acclaimed Russian-flavored fantasy Plain Kate, which received two starred reviews and was a YALSA Best Book of the Year; and the terrifying YA ghost story Sorrow’s Knot, which received five starred reviews and was a Kirkus Reviews Best Book of the Year.
The Swan Riders (Gr. 6+) 
Treacherous twists await Greta as the stakes get even higher in this stunning follow-up to the “masterful” novel, The Scorpion Rules. Greta Stuart has become AI. New transmitters have silvered her fingerprints. New receptors have transformed her vision. And the whole of her memory has become one book in a vast library of instant knowledge. Greta is ready to rule the world. But the new technology is also killing her. Greta is only sixteen years old, but her new enhancements are burning through her mortal body at an alarming rate.
Other Books
The Scorpion Rules (Gr. 6+)
The children of world leaders are held hostage in an attempt to keep the peace in this “slyly humorous, starkly thought-provoking” novel. Greta is a Duchess and a Crown Princess. She is also a Child of Peace, a hostage held by the de facto ruler of the world, the great Artificial Intelligence, Talis. This is how the game is played: if you want to rule, you must give one of your children as a hostage. Start a war and your hostage dies. The system has worked for centuries. Parents don’t want to see their children murdered.
About Erin Bow’s Appearance at Wordfest 2016
Erin Bow is available to present to students from grade 9 and up, on a wide range of subjects. Upon request, she may also run writing workshops for grades 9 and up. Erin Bow will be in Calgary for a limited time only. Contact Wordfest Youth at youth@wordfest.com for more information.