James Hoggan
James Hoggan is president of the PR firm Hoggan & Associates and chair of the David Suzuki Foundation board. He has over three decades of experience in crisis and issues management for corporations, governments and public institutions such as universities and hospitals. A tireless advocate for ethics and integrity in public relations, he founded the influential website DeSmogBlog to expose misinformation campaigns that pollute public debate around climate change and the environment. Previous books include Climate Cover-Up: The Crusade to Deny Global Warming and Do the Right Thing: PR Tips for a Skeptical Public.
I’m Right and You’re an Idiot
The most urgent environmental threat today is not climate change, species extinction or the declining health of oceans, argues Jim Hoggan in his latest book, I’m Right and You’re an Idiot: The Toxic State of Public Discourse and How to Clean it Up. The more pressing problem is resistance to change that results from pollution in the public square. Hoggan investigates the troubling state of public dialogue and asks leading intellectuals why, despite overwhelming scientific evidence, so little is being done to address today’s critical environmental challenges.