ARCHIVE – Joshua Edwards
Edwards is director and coeditor of Canarium Books, a small press devoted to publishing innovative poetry and translations. He was a Fulbright grantee, a Wallace Stegner fellow at Stanford University, and he received a fellowship from the Akademie Schloss Solitude. When not traveling, he lives with his wife, the poet Lynn Xu, in Marfa, Texas.
Architecture for Travelers
Encounters, Concurrences, Conversations with Joshua Edwards
Encounters, Concurrences, Conversations will address questions of collaborative and interdisciplinary work, with a spotlight on projects undertaken by poet Joshua Edwards and his friends, including the artist Charlotte Moth, which involve photography, film, poetry, performance, and architecture. During this talk, Edwards will also discuss how time, community, travel, and landscape figure into the work of several artists with whom he has collaborated. Joshua Edwards is a poet, translator, and editor based in Marfa, Texas.
Saturday, October 17, 1-4pm
Across Mediums: Poetry and Visual Notebooks with Joshua Edwards
Utilizing a dozen of their own travel photographs or sketches participants will begin a series of poems or prose vignettes in this poetry workshop. We will undertake ekphrastic exercises, write a few imitations to get the gears moving, and talk about strategies for organizing text and images together.