Stacey Matson
Stacey Matson is the author of A Year in the Life of a Total and Complete Genius, a nominee for the Snow Willow, Chocolate Lily, MYRCA, and Rocky Mountain Book awards, and its equally funny sequel, Scenes from the Epic Life of a Total Genius. She has her MA in Children’s Literature from the University of British Columbia, and currently works with at-risk youth. Stacey remembers being in grade five and panicking over not having a great story for class, and hating herself for it. This challenge persisted throughout school. Stacey started A Year in the Life of a Total and Complete Genius as a short writing assignment for a class in her master’s program, and the story blossomed into a novel from there.
A Year in the Life of a Total and Complete Genius is on reading lists recommended for reluctant readers.
Festival Books
Notes from the Life of a Total Genius (Gr. 4-7)
Arthur Bean is back! With Robbie in another city (thank goodness for texting) and Kennedy as his co-editor of the school newspaper, Arthur’s final year at Terry Fox Jr. High is off to a rocky start. A chance to produce his own play gives him visions of fame and (finally!) the respect he is sure he deserves, but that’s all dashed when the new principal challenges the content of Arthur’s play.
Download Reading Guide for Stacey Matson’s Latest Book [PDF]
Other Books
Scenes from the Epic Life of a Total Genius (Gr. 4-7)
Arthur and Robbie have called a truce now that the writing contest and school play are over, but plans go astray when Arthur’s new girlfriend gets jealous of his friendship with Kennedy.
A Year in the Life of a Total and Complete Genius (Gr. 4-7)
Arthur Bean, soon-to-be a rich and famous author, has set two goals for himself: to win the school writing contest and to win the heart of his secret crush, Kennedy. But his life has had some major twists and turns lately, and the recent loss of his mother definitely complicates things.
About Stacey Matson’s Appearance at Wordfest 2016
“A perfect book for reluctant readers or anyone searching for a book filled with rich comedy.” Stacey Matson’s books have been nominated for severtal awards, and they are also highly recommended by educators working with “reluctant readers.” Stacey’s presentations are adapted to the grade level of the students.
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