Micheline Maylor

Micheline Maylor

Dr.  Micheline Maylor is a University of Calgary Senator, a Tedx talker, a Walrus talker, and the Calgary Public Library’s Author in Residence (2016). Her books of poetry include Full Depth: The Raymond Knister Poems, Whirr and Click, and Little Wildheart, which was long listed for both the Pat Lowther and the Raymond Souster Awards. Maylor was the co-founder of Freefall Literary Society, where she remains a consulting editor, and is the  Poetry Editor at Frontenac House Press Quartet series. Maylor was Calgary Poet Laureate, 2016-18.

Website: michelinemaylor.com
Twitter: @MichelineMaylor
Instagram: @michelinemaylor



Drifting Like a Metaphor

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Micheline Maylor’s anthology, <em>Drifting Like a Metaphor,</em> introduces Calgary poets who have the ability to make connections that work to pull together language, image, and emotion. Her criteria was that the poets are not yet published in book form, but are able to make story and voice work to create an emotional reaction through many forms and styles. We hope readers will agree that any of the twelve poets showcased in this anthology could easily become the next great voice or future poet laureate of Calgary.

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<strong>GET THE BOOK</strong>

<a href="https://shop.owlsnestbooks.com/item/AGnWCzEdtw90DS4HLoZezQ">Owl’s Nest Books</a> (Calgary) | <a href="https://calgary.bibliocommons.com/v2/record/S95C1280941">Calgary Public Library</a>




The Bad Wife

Micheline Maylor’s The Bad Wife is an intimate, first-hand account of how to ruin a marriage. This is a story of divorce, love, and what should have been, told in a brave and unflinching voice. Pulling the reader into a startling web of sensuality, guilt, resentment, and pleasure, this collection asks: what if you set off a bomb in your own house? What if you lose love and destroy everything you ever knew? These poems have a disarming immediacy, full of surprising imagery, dark humour, and the bold thoughts of a vibrant and flawed protagonist. Balancing a need for wildness and the space to dwell, The Bad Wife explores the taut confines of those vivid, earthly pleasures that we all know and sometimes can’t escape.

<strong>GET THE BOOK</strong>

<a href="https://shop.owlsnestbooks.com/item/QBQXhdlgipQ4TlsrFvI3WA">Owl’s Nest Books</a> (Calgary) | <a href="https://calgary.bibliocommons.com/v2/record/S95C1388874">Calgary Public Library</a>


ALL EVENTS WITH Micheline Maylor

7 PM
Celebrating Calgary: Laureate-A-Rama
Oct 06 @ 7 PM MT - 8:30 PM MT

DJD Dance Centre

111 12 Ave SE