
Aaron Paquette unable to participate in Wordfest

Aaron Paquette, author of the Young Adult novel The Lightfinder, is no longer able to join us at Wordfest this year, as he will be running as a candidate in the upcoming federal election.

“Please accept our sincere regrets that Aaron Paquette is unable to participate in Wordfest and associated visits this year. Aaron was recently nominated as an NDP candidate in the Edmonton-Manning riding. He spent hours trying to adjust his schedule but, unfortunately, he and his team were not able to find a way for Aaron to participate in the festival at this time. Aaron was very much looking forward to attending and sharing Lightfinder with readers of all ages and sends his heartfelt regrets. On behalf of Aaron and Kegedonce Press we thank you for the kind invitation and hope that there will be another opportunity for Aaron to share his writing with you in the near future. Best wishes for an inspiring and successful Wordfest 2015!”

Aaron’s publisher, Kegedonce Press

Aaron Paquette was scheduled to appear on Friday October 16 alongside Richard van Camp for the delight of young readers from grade 5 onward. The event is still taking place with Richard van Camp and David Alexander Robertson, an award winning author freshly added to the Wordfest youth Line up.