ARCHIVE – Telmo dos Santos

Noir on Eighth

ARCHIVE – Telmo dos Santos

Telmo dos Santos is a criminal defence lawyer, a human rights advocate, a martial artist, a poet and writer. As a poet Telmo previously received a scholarship to attend the Banff Centre international spoken word program. Telmo regularly performs at open mic and poetry slam events throughout the city. Telmo’s human rights advocacy focuses on the area of indigenous issues. Telmo has previously published feature articles on subjects including the over-incarceration of indigenous people, and missing and murdered indigenous women. Telmo is the founder and current chair of the Calgary Criminal Defence Lawyers Association’s Indigenous Criminal Justice Committee, which advocates on indigenous criminal justice issues. Telmo also founded and heads Calgary Creative Dimension, a collaborative group space for artists to work on their individual creative pursuits. Telmo currently holds the rank of fifth-kyu (blue belt) in Chito-Ryu karate, under Sensei Gary Sabean. Telmo enjoys volunteering whenever  opportunities arise.

All events with ARCHIVE – Telmo dos Santos