How to 'Survive' Academia: Richard Kelly Kemick, Anne Koval, Amanda Peters & Michelle Porter
The academic road is long, relentless, and pitched as a straight line: BA, MFA, PhD, tenure. But the reality of pursuing this path is anything but straightforward, as these multi-degreed writers will share. Is a Creative Writing major the way to go? What about becoming a sessional instructor? Are Arts Faculties doomed to be the forgotten child in these times of education only for the sake of learning a trade? Anne Koval supplements her position in the Art History department at Mount Allison as an independent curator and now author of Mary Pratt: A Love Affair with Vision. Richard Kelly Kemick earned his doctorate and is focused on writing, while working a series of unrelated gigs. Amanda Peters is an Associate Professor in the Department of English and Theatre at Acadia University, while Michelle Porter teaches Creative Writing and Métis Literature at Memorial University.
This event is part of Wordfest’s Imaginairium festival, Oct. 11-15, 2023. Connect with 50+ the world’s most arresting writers, thinkers, activators and inspirers, gathered just for you in Calgary, Canada. For more info: wordfest.com